Gusta Pregassona 2022

The second edition of Gusta Pregassona, an enogastronomic and cultural walk aimed at promoting the Lugano district of the same name, is scheduled for Sunday 28.08.2022.

The aim of the event, therefore, is to present, in the context of a cheerful food walk, various interesting associations and realities in the neighbourhood, emphasising their cultural and social importance.

The route is divided into 6 stages, which will alternate interesting cultural visits with tasty samples of different local dishes.

Following the usual organisation of food and wine walks, there will be staggered group departures from the Pregassona festival hall every 15 minutes starting at 8.30 a.m. until 10.30 a.m.

The final stage includes arrival at the Capannone where lunch with musical entertainment is planned

You can find more details and information about this event, as well as the registration form at

Gusta Pregassona is promoted by the Amélie Association and organised with Amiconi Consulting and the Senior Citizens' Circle of Pregassona

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